Geaux Tigers Earrings

Geaux Tigers Earrings
Look what we made for a #1 Fan

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New year .....

As I mentioned earlier, many of our memories and inspiration are from our Grandmother Eunice who never threw anything away. One of the things she "collected" was white cats. If anyone that lived around Stoney Point had a white cat or knew of anyone that had a white cat, she was on to it. It really didn't matter if it was male or female as long as it was white. Grandma Eunice never allowed an animal into her house -- and we lived in the deep south where the summers get blistering hot. The poor white cats had to live outside. Now if you are fair with red hair and freckles or you are a white cat with delicate ears, you will get a serious sunburn. But not to worry. We had a wonderful salve called Aquafor. Whatever the Aquafor didn't remedy, the tasty fare that the white cats ate surely made up for it! Can I tell you that Grandma never bought a can or a bag of cat food in her life. No maam. The pot liquor from the turnip greens and the bacon grease was poured over whatever table scraps were left over at the end of the day. As kids, we had many laughs when we scraped everything into the dish and went out the back door and down the steps to feed the cat. That was such a simple and uncomplicated time....
We are busy creating new things for Valentines Day and Mardi Gras. Check out the store often for our latest treasures.

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